Who doesn't think that Treasure Island (the TI) didn't look better as an adult's version of The Pirates of the Caribbean?
The wimpy, happy shit they have now is trebly sad in retrospect.
I have never intentionally taken a picture of the "new" TI sign, but here's a glimpse of it cropped from another picture, probably when I was getting a shot of a homeless guy vomiting, or something more appealing.
Furst to keep with the adult skull theme and ask where your comment is regarding 'skull fucking' or Rosie the pirate keeping an eye out for you'?
Yes, I am crude. Call it a gift.
or Rosie the pirate keeping an eye out for you
All I have to say is, "Arrrr"
Lavi's getting ahead of the crowd - Talk Like a Pirate Date is still six months away...
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