On the same day that the Pope signs a decree blasting atheism, true believers scream for the death of a school teacher for "insulting" a god. This would almost be ironic if it weren't so pathetic.
I hate religion more every day.
Enjoy some Jesus and Mo while you can. Before it's classified as a Hate Crime
well said, or to paraphrase Diderot: "Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
My favorite quote on the subject comes from "Get Your War On":
"Bah! We're living in the 21st century and people still wage war to impress invisible superheroes living in outer space!"
Combining 2 recent La Vida posts:
Do you suppose that the Baby Jeebus smokes cigarettes 200 at a time like the do in Arizona? (who would buy the cigarettes for the Baby? Can an Eternal Being be underage?)
A carton (200 cigarettes) of Marlboros in Vegas is $29.99 before taxes and $32.30 after taxes.
A carton of Marlboros in Arizona is over $50 (as per my daughter.
I wonder if Baby Jeebus' pusher buys them in Nevada?
Off with their heads! As soon as they finish their last smoke.
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