"Hello. Falling Water Apartment Homes, how may I help you?"
"I'd like to know, is the water falling from the ceiling?"
"Excuse me?"
"If the water's falling from the ceiling, I'd want an upstairs apartment."
"Seriously. I don't mind my water falling on someone else, but I'll be damned if I'll sit around and let other people's water fall on me. You know what I mean?"
"Sir. Sir, that's not what it means. We have water fountains!
"Oh great, you're into that? Never mind, I'll try Hanging Gardens instead, I'm feeling suicidal anyway."
Actually, this was the furst attempt by the little known architect Frank Lloyd Left, at Urban Design. He later moved to a suburb of Phoenix.
Curiously, this tragic story was later adapted into a story by Ayn Remmington, launching her career as a bodice ripping novelist.
Frank Lloyd Left, I get.
But Ayn Remmington?
Is this somehow related to Ayn Rand ???
-Clueless in Sin City
ding! went the bell on her typewriter. A Remmington Rand typewriter...
Did you get the link to Mr Left and your apartment complex name? Or the location of the house? Or the story?
I admit, the bodice ripping was simply obfuscation.
Whoops. Person above me overflowed the bathtub...I was getting ahead of myself.
Perhaps it was the Esteemed Management of your Cinci hotel that resettled in Vegas to make Lavi's Latest List.
Type writers never crossed my mind.
I thought Frank building stick and stucco apartments was nicely analogous to Ayn penning bodice rippers.
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